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Corrie Ten Boom-Her Faithful Life (part 2)

Posted by Lydia

It’s hard to see God’s hand at work when we’re in the middle of a trial.  However, there comes a point when we’re able to look back and see how God was arranging the events of our lives for His purpose.  I’m sure Corrie Ten Boom often struggled to see God’s purpose in the things she was enduring.  Looking back over her life, though, we clearly see God’s providence in various ways.  By providence, I mean that God was working in each situation, guiding the events of Corrie’s life to bring about His plan.

“There is no panic in Heaven! God has no problems, only plans.”

Corrie Ten Boom

First, we see God’s providence in the way He prepared the Ten Booms to do the work that He had called them to. 

Corrie’s father was a watchmaker.  People from all over the city of Haarlem bought watches and clocks from his shop, or they brought theirs to be repaired.  He was well-known and liked by many people.  The children were especially drawn to him, calling him Opa, or Grandfather.  Guests were always welcome in their home, many people coming to Mr. Ten Boom for advice and prayer.  As a result, the Ten Booms had friends and connections all over Haarlem, in every business and service.  This was extremely valuable as they began helping Jews.  They knew people who could get them the things they needed, such as stolen ration cards or a hidden room in their house.  God had prepared these relationships beforehand to be in place when they needed them.

 Corrie fell in love with one of her brother’s friends when she was fourteen.  He was a few years older than she was.  At first, he didn’t notice her, but eventually, he did seem to return her feelings.  For a short while, Corrie dreamed of their future together.  However, she soon found out that he had promised his family to marry someone else.  She was devastated at first, but was able to surrender her feelings for this man to God.  Because she remained single, Corrie was free to work with the underground, saving the lives of hundreds of Jews.  God allowed Corrie to lose her one true love so that she would be able to follow His plan for her life.

We may not always understand why we go through certain things.  We may not know why God allows certain people in our lives, but takes away others.  However, we can be sure that God has a plan for us, and that He is working out the details of our lives to bring about that plan (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28).  His plan may take us through some hard times, but in those hard times we must focus on God’s goodness and love. 

“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.”

Corrie Ten Boom

Next, we see God’s providence in the way He always provided for their needs.

Corrie’s sister Betsie was not very strong.  While in prison, Corrie had a bottle of liquid vitamins that she gave to Betsie to help her stay well.  Many of the other women needed them also, so Corrie reluctantly shared what she had.  Amazingly, no matter how many doses she gave out, there were always more drops in the bottle.  This continued until a nurse was able to sneak her some more vitamins.  When she went to use last of the drops in the bottle, she found it was empty.  God provided vitamins from the bottle for as long as she needed.

The barracks Corrie and Betsie stayed in in Ravensbruck was full of fleas.  Corrie didn’t know how she could live in such a place, but Betsie reminded her to give thanks in all circumstances.  They began to list things they were thankful for, including the fleas, because God said all circumstances.  After a while, Corrie and Betsie noticed that the guards wouldn’t enter their barracks, for some reason.  This left them free to hold worship services.  It was only much later that they found out that the guards refused to come into their barracks because of the fleas.  God used the fleas to provide the freedom needed for the women to worship Him.

God doesn’t always work the way we expect Him to.  We may not see any possible way to get what we need, but God deals in the impossible.  He can see much more than our limited sight.  He will always meet our needs (Matthew 6:33).  Sometimes, He uses tough situations, like fleas, to provide exactly what we need at the time.  We just have to trust Him to take care of us.

“Let God’s promises shine on your problems.”

Corrie Ten Boom

Finally, we see God’s providence in the way He protected the family.

Corrie was blessed to have copies of the Bible while in prison.  At first, she had small booklets of the Gospels.  She gave away all but one that she hid under the mattress of her bed.  Once, the guards came in to search the room, even feeling under the mattress, but the booklet was not found.  Later, Corrie was given an entire Bible, small enough to wear in a pouch around her neck.  She wore it inside her dress, hanging down her back.  When transferred to Ravensbruck, they were forced to put on thin dresses.  The Bible made an obvious bulge.  Although all the other women were searched, no one searched Corrie.  God protected Corrie, allowing her to keep the Bible to minister to the women with whom she was in prison. 

On December 31, 1944, Corrie was released from prison.  At the time she didn’t understand why, but she was grateful to return home.  However, many years later she discovered that a clerical error caused her to go free.  A week after her release, all the women her age were executed.  God caused that “error” so that Corrie could live and continue the work He had for her. 

God is looking out for us and protecting us.  He watches over us day and night (Psalm 121).  We may not always feel His hand on us, but we can trust that He will keep us from harm.  Anything that does happen to us is part of His plan, and is ultimately for our good and His glory.  We need not fear what man can do to us (Hebrews 13:6). 

Corrie’s story was not an easy one to read.  However, it was very encouraging.  God was clearly at work in her life.  He prepared her for the tough times to come.  He provided for her needs.  He also protected her from harm.  God cares for us just as He did for Corrie.  He will prepare us, provide for us, and protect us, just as He did her.  We can trust His goodness and love.  Whatever hard times you find yourself in, look to Christ rather than to your situation.

How has God prepared you, provided for you, or protected you in the past?  Leave a comment below!

You can read more about the life of Corrie Ten Boom in my previous post:

Corrie Ten Boom: Her Faithful Life (Part 1)

The information in this post and the previous one was taken from the book The Hiding Place.

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4 thoughts on “Corrie Ten Boom-Her Faithful Life (part 2)

  1. Tough Times Happen-What to Do When God Says NO - She Lives Worthy

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  2. Corrie Ten Boom-Her Faithful Life (part 1) - She Lives Worthy

    […] some of the lessons I learned from reading Corrie’s story in The Hiding Place by clicking here. There’s so much more to her story than I’m able to share here. If you’d like to […]

  3. Amy Carmichael-Her Surrendered Life - She Lives Worthy

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  4. Victoria Rgbo

    Corrie, salute to faith! I cried to have read she lost her sister. There’s a reward of the saints- hope of glory, we need more of such Christian history to wake up today’s slumpering saints

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