There are many implications of creation, if in fact the Bible is true. Most science text books assume that evolution is true, and that the world has been around for billions of years. Even many Christians accept evolution as true without really thinking about how it fits in with what the Bible teaches. The truth is, Genesis 1 makes it abundantly clear that God created everything in a literal six days. The rest of the Bible also claims that God, through Christ, created all things (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-16). The Bible does not allow in any way for evolution. The two are mutually exclusive.
The purpose of this post is not to prove evolution false (that may come in a later post). Instead, I want to examine Genesis 1 to discover what it tells us about God and how that relates to our lives. The primary thing we see about God is Genesis 1 is that God is the Creator. We’ll look at two implications of creation in this post.
One implication of creation is that God has authority over His creation.
God Has Authority over Nature
We see throughout Scripture that God has authority over nature. For instance, He caused a world-wide flood to destroy the earth in Noah’s day (Genesis 6-8). He also parted the Red Sea for the nation of Israel to cross when escaping Egypt (Exodus 14). Later, He caused a storm to arise when Jonah tried to run, and then used a giant fish to save Jonah from drowning when the sailors tossed him overboard (Jonah 1-2). Jesus also demonstrated power over nature by calming a storm (Mark 4:35-41), walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33), healing people (Mark 1:40-45; 8:22-26; Matthew 8:5-13), and raising people from the dead (Luke 7:11-17; John 11:1-44). Of course, the ultimate example of Jesus’ power over death and nature was His own resurrection from the dead (Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-49; John 20:1-21:25).
God Has Authority over Mankind
Not only does God have authority over nature, as Creator He also has authority over mankind. This is the main reason that people try to deny that there is a creator. The Bible says that God has revealed Himself to all people through His creation (Romans 1:19-20; Psalm 19:1-3). However, if we acknowledge that God is the Creator, then we must submit ourselves to His authority. People naturally do not want to do that, choosing instead to suppress the truth, to worship creation rather than the Creator, and to continue living in sin (Romans 1:18-32). However, a creator has the right to do what he wills with what he has created (Romans 9:21).
We Must Submit to God’s Authority
As Christians, we must submit to God’s authority by obeying His Word. This should be done because we love God, not because we fear the consequences of disobedience. Jesus says if we love Him we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). It’s like a child trying to please her parents because she loves them and wants to make them happy rather than a child obeying because she’s afraid of what her parents will do if she misbehaves. God is a loving Father, and we should desire to please Him.
A second implication creation is that God is good.
Creation Being Good Is a Reflection of God’s Character

Everything He created was good, which was a reflection of His character (Psalm 25:8; 145:9; Mark 10:18). God’s original creation was perfect, but it was affected by the Fall. We still see some of God’s original design in the beauty that surrounds us in nature, beauty that God didn’t have to create. God also created great variety. Rather than just providing the bare essentials for life, He provided numerous different foods and drinks. There’s also great variety in all the species of birds and fish and other animals.
God Designed the World Perfectly for Mankind
Another sign of God’s goodness is that He didn’t just throw the world together haphazardly. He created the world in an orderly way to provide all that we need. Light and water were created first, because mankind would need that to live. God also created plants before man because man needs the plants to provide oxygen to breathe. He designed the world perfectly for human life to exist. If one small variable changed, we would not be able to survive.
God Created Man in His Image
God’s goodness is also evident in the fact that He created mankind special, in His image (Genesis 1:27). We are not the same as animals. We are all image bearers. As such we should have respect for others. There’s no room for favoritism or prejudice (James 2:9). The second most important commandment is to love others the same way that we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). We should also recognize our own value in God’s eyes. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-16). God loves us and chose us to be His children even before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-6). Even while we were still His enemies, He sent His own Son to die for us (Romans 5:8). What a good God we serve!
There are many implications of creation. God’s authority and goodness must go hand-in-hand. If He had no authority, He wouldn’t be God! And if He were not good, He would be a cruel taskmaster. We can submit to His good authority, knowing that He loves us and will take care of us.
Related Resources:
Read about the importance of studying the Bible to learn more about God in my previous post, No Other God.
Download these printable journal pages to help you as you read the Bible to learn about more God.
Interested in learning more about the implications of creation? Check out these websites:
You can also read the following blog posts written by my husband 🙂
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