I have a confession…I have always avoided the book of Revelation.

Anyone else with me there? After all, it’s the most complicated, confusing, and even controversial book of the Bible. I never understood it and I never felt confident to teach it.
That all changed last year, when I began to read Nancy Guthrie’s book, Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation. Her straightforward approach made the book easy to understand. I was so excited about what I was learning that I decided to teach a class on Revelation for the summer Bible study at my church.
I’m making my study notes available for anyone who cares to have them. My goal is to help everyone realize that Revelation is not a book to be feared or avoided. It’s a book to be read and enjoyed. We can understand it and benefit from it if we just try.
A Few Things to Note:
*I am posting my study notes with very little editing, just as I used them to teach the class. I hope that they are easy to follow, but please be aware that there may be typos and mistakes 🙂
*For each lesson, there are two files to download: my teaching note and the student guide (an abbreviated set of notes with and without blanks to fill in). There may also be a download with any resources I created for that lesson (charts, lists, etc.).
*I am currently teaching this study through the Summer of 2023, so I will be adding new lessons every other week.
*All Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible.
*I try not to go too much into the different interpretative approaches in this study. However, for those who care, I am presenting the Idealist view.
*This study is NOT just a re-cap of Nancy Guthrie’s book. I used her book as a resource, but I also used several others (a list of the books I used can be found in the Lesson 1 Resources).

Lesson One: Introduction
Lesson Two: The Seven Churches
Lesson Three: The Seven Seals
Lesson Four: The Seven Trumpets
Lesson Five: Seven Great Signs
Lesson Five Student Guide (As of this lesson, I will no longer be offering the fill-in-blanks note pages, just the condensed note pages.)
Hello, I “happened” to stumble across your site, I have just briefly looked over your study notes on Revelation & downloaded all 8 lessons & study guides. I look forward to digging into them for my personal study. Like you many of us aren’t drawn you dig into Revelation but as of recent many Pastors are teaching on this book & for good reason, God does not want us to miss out on the blessing for us at this time in “HIS”-story. God bless you for digging deep & making your study available for others!
In Christ,
Thank you so much! I hope you receive a blessing from your study of God’s Word.