Helping our kids learn and live God’s Word is one of the greatest priorities of being a parent. My husband and I are always looking for new resources to help make studying God’s Word fun. Here are some of my favorite Bible resources for kids, including books, music, and downloadable resources.

Some of these links are to products in my shop, and I will receive compensation if you choose to purchase them. However, I am not an affiliate for any of the items that are not in my shop. I will not receive anything if you purchase them. They are just resources that I use and want to share with you.
Recommended Resources
Devotional Books
Beginning: Family Worship in Genesis by Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson
God’s Mighty Acts in Creation by Starr Meade
God’s Might Acts in Salvation by Starr Meade
Grandpa’s Box by Starr Meade
Scripture Set to Music
Scripture Memory Songs 1 (Spencer Family Music)
Scripture Memory Songs 2 (Spencer Family Music)
Scripture Memory Songs 3 (Spencer Family Music)
Hide ‘Em In Your Heart 1/Hide ‘Em In Your Heart 2 CD (Steve Green)
Scripture Writing
Growing Christian Character: 12 Scripture Writing Plans for Kids
Free Downloads
Journal Pages
Colorful Journal Pages (blank)
Colorful Journal Pages (with prompts)
Bible Reading Journal for Kids
Scripture Writing
Growing Christian Character Sampler
What are your favorite Bible resources for kids? Please let me know in the comments below!