Resources to Help You Study the Bible
One of my primary goal’s is to help women learn God’s Word by providing helpful articles and resources, in-depth Bible study, and Scripture Writing challenges that teach biblical truths.

Learn God’s Word through Bible Study
Downloadable Bible Studies
- A Worthy Walk–How to Walk Worthy of Your Calling (a five-day study)
- Seeking God’s Face: Discovering the God of the Bible
Learn God’s Word through Scripture Writing
Scripture Writing Challenges
You can download these free Scripture Writing/Bible Study challenges!
- Ruth
- Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians
- Colossians
- 2-3 John
- One Another Passages
- Encouragement from the Psalms
- Finding Wisdom in a Foolish World
- Benefits of Being in Christ
- Attributes of God
- 30 Days of Thanksgiving
- Fruit of the Spirit
You can also join the She Lives Worthy Scripture Writing Facebook group to participate in Scripture Writing challenges!
Learn God’s Word with these Articles
She Lives Worthy Blog Posts
S.W.A.P. Bible Study Method: Quiet Time Tools
Scripture Writing 101: The Why and the How
How to Find Wisdom in a Foolish World
Our Creator God-Implications of Creation
No Other God-Worship God as He Deserves
Four Benefits of God’s Word-Making the Bible a Priority
Other Resources
Journal Pages with prompts to help you learn about God as you read Scripture
Ten Common Theological Terms cheat sheet
Recommended Websites
Teaching Ministries:
Creation Resources: